Friday, October 28, 2011

Things I Love. Today :)

I love my Newton running shoes. Love. Them. I have a few pairs, some I will admit, I love more than others. For various reasons: my Pink Racers :

Pink Racers 
I'll admit it; I love these for the color. Of course, they're super light, which is what you'd expect from Newton. And just overall, totally cool. I'd like to try the Newton MV2's out but I think that might be too minimalist of a shoe for me. Maybe for a short run they'd be okay...but I'm not sure I could take them very far. 'Tis okay. I have my fill with these guys above, AND..... favorite RUNNING shoe, the ones I train in most every day :

Harvery, being told to 'back away' from my favorite running shoes of all time.

This pair of Newtons seem to work best for me. I was a very lucky girl, I was able to order and have custom orthotics made from the designers at Newton Running Labs in Boulder..everyone I spoke w/ at the company was fantastic. I gave them a run down of my 'niggles' I was feeling during my runs. I was given some simple changes / drills to do to tweak my stride ever so slightly - and wow, it made a HUGE difference.

So aside from the Newton Running shoes, I love the company. I'm a firm believer - if you are passionate about something, you'll be a success. There's no doubt these people are passionate about what they do. It shows.

I've found a new love in trail running. Wow. What is it about trail running ? I can go forever up much more difficult terrain, steeper climbs, and I just seem to fly.  Don't get me wrong, I still have that passion for running on the roads through windy streets, but I'm so glad I decided to go off the beaten path a few months back and 'head for the hills'...the heavily wooded hills, that is. I can't wait to do more of it and hopefully get an Ultra in one day, quite possibly on a trail run.

One of the Trails I run

I don't run this one too often as it's not very long, but it is a nice view from the top :)

Another thing that I love, today: One of my favorite holidays of all time : HALLOWEEN !!! I love Halloween. In part because, it's just a huge party. Everyone is outside, laughing having a great time. Kids are running all over = active = energy being zapped = sleeping oh-so-well ( provided they don't OD on sugar ).

I also love Halloween because, aside from whatever treat you're to buy for the trick or treaters, there's no pressure to buy gifts for anyone else. Don't get me wrong, I love giving gifts; if the moment / mood strikes. I'm definitely a 'giver'. But I prefer to do so, not because it's February 14th and Hallmark tells me to, or because it's December 25th and...well...whomever thought it'd be a good idea to give gifts that day.  Same goes w/ receiving - I'm not 'good' at accepting things. But if I AM to ever be given something, catch me off guard. It means more, right ?

Oh, And. I'll admit it. Halloween, you get to dress up in ways that you normally wouldn't dress up. That's kinda' fun too :)
Pilot, w/ the name badge 'MiMi Later'. Nice.

Race Car Driver. No Name Badge This Time :)

So, that's why I love Halloween. It's fun. And there are no expectations :) Except to have fun.

 Alas, Halloween will be over come Monday, October 31st. Thank God for Newton running shoes, trails, and all those other things that stick around throughout the year. Something to look forward to :)

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