Wow. 2012. I've said it a million times before, Time Flies.
Beating a dead horse, 2011 DEFINITELY was a challenging one for me. Things did NOT go as planned, in more ways than one. My highly anticipated Chicago Marathon was a DNS. Injuries and what has now been a diagnosis of 'adrenal exhaustion' kept me from even getting on the plane to the fabulous city of Chicago. Heartbroken in more ways than one about the circumstances that developed during the summer and fall, but such is life. And life goes on.
Despite all the challenges, I'm thankful for the year I had - there was an incredible amount of 'good' that came from 2011, too. I learned A TON. It is definitely true, you learn more about yourself when the going gets tough, then when you're riding high. I saw what my weakness are, areas I need to work on, what's truly important to me, and at the end of the day, things I really need to let go of.
In terms of running, I've never been in an 'injury' situation before, where I couldn't run. That certainly changed this summer and fall. And while I knew all along how important this activity has become to my daily life - how it is a lifestyle, more than a hobby - this was driven home even more when I wasn't able to run for a period of time. But I also learned that there's more to being a 'runner' that just partaking in a footrace; it's not just the training runs and the racing, it is also about the people you meet along the way. I've met so many amazing people that encourage and inspire me, without even knowing it - and while some of them I've met live and in living colour, others are still my online, 'imaginary friends' that I hope to meet in person, soon. The running community has definitely been a 'rock' during some tougher times over the last few months. I could never say enough 'thank yous' to the people that have hung around during some more trying times, provided some comic relief, listened to me whine, given me sound advice - and just hearing/reading THEIR personal pains and triumphs - it has been humbling, to say the least, and I'm thankful for it. Being surrounded by people that want the best for you - as you do for them - matters.
So, as I'm starting my journey back to get some higher mileage running in after a few months of being injured, I realized a few things - I love to run the distance. I must have forgotten this somewhere along the line, but I never liked shorter training runs - or races, for that matter. Even with the triathlons. I love to go far. Sometimes 'far' may be 17 or 18. And sometimes - not often enough for me - far may mean 26.2...or longer ? I've also realized that I complain far too much about the weather :) I need a strong dose of 'HTFU' ( Harden The F*$k Up) when it comes to dealing w/ 'cold' and humidity .
So, I'm ready for an amazing year and I feel like it will be. I have some fantastic races planned; the Cary March Madness Half Marathon outside of Chicago in March, where a lot of those 'imaginary/online friends' will become real ( that's the only reason I'm doing this one, by the way...March in Chicago is COLD :) .
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Cary March Madness Half. Please Note, there's snow. A LOT of it : / |
The London Marathon in April which will be a super special one for's been like a beacon of light in the middle of a storm - and a huge motivator on my recovery and getting 'better'. I have to be there for it. And I have to be firing on all cylinders and ready to go. I'm incredibly determined to make that happen and if that's the case - it will happen. I'll be ready. I have visualized this race a million times or more, over and over in my mind. I am SO determined to 'MSH' (Make Shit Happen ) , and get there, healthy and 100% - I'll be ready.
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Towers Bridge, London Marathon :) |
Then a short triathlon in Atlanta in May - then the Berlin Marathon in September. Another one I'm super excited about as this will probably be more 'goal/PR' related for me - it's a fast course and I'd like to run it well.
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Berlin Marathon :) |
You hear it all the time from runners, how the sport of running parallels life. It's so true. It's not the good, total euphoria runs where you find out what you're made of - it's the hard ones. The times when you have to 'dig deep' and fight for it - when all you want to do is stop, walk, quit, throw in the towel - whatever. THOSE are the runs where you hear your weaknesses creeping in - and you shut them up. Because you know, there is no 'short cut' . There is no way 'around' the total suckage you're going through at that moment of the run. The only way, is through it. And that's what you do, you go through that suckage and finish it, always happy you hung tight. And you come back next time stronger - better. Always. I've anchored myself to this analogy a lot - 'go through it - and come back better than before.'
So - I have to be thankful for the year that's now behind me - those challenges taught me a lot, helped me realize some weakness, see some true colours in people and made me realize what's important - and what's not. And while I think I have a very cool year of racing ahead, I'm sure there will be other surprises and a changing of the tides this year of 2012 will bring, too. There will, without a doubt, be some 'change' this year and that's certainly scary and leaves me feeling a bit vulnerable...the whole 'unknown' I'm not quite sure where I'll land. But as I've said before : if you're standing on a cliff and about to jump off, one of two things will happen - either you'll find your wings to fly or you'll land on solid ground. And you can bet I'll hit the ground running :)
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